
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2021 angezeigt.
    Worte und Taten   „2021 – ein entscheidendes Jahr für die forcierte Umsetzung einer Gleichstellung und Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter und von Gendergerechtigkeit“ Gedanken über das 7. jährliche Symposium zur Rolle von Religion und Organisationen, die aus dem Glauben heraus handeln,   in internationalen Angelegenheiten, am 26. Januar, 2021. Die Teilnehmenden kamen online zusammen und beschäftigten sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Überwindung der allgegenwärtigen Geschlechterungerechtigkeit und der Diskriminierung aufgrund des Geschlechts als ein wichtiges Element einer Neugestaltung der Welt nach dem Ende der COVID-19 Pandemie.   Das übergeordnete Ziel des Symposiums war daher, eine Gelegenheit zu bieten, um gemeinsam darüber nachzudenken, wie das Engagement für Gendergerechtigkeit ausgebaut werden kann, und die verschiedenen Akteure zu animieren, ihr Bekenntnis zur Umsetzung von Gendergerechtigkeit zu erneuern. Die Teilnehmenden untersuchten, wie...
  Headship and Abuse   After expressing some views on the political landscape, she said to me, “My husband reads all the stuff, and he must know. I don’t really follow these things.”  This was a good Adventist pastor’s wife in the United States. In this matter she did not bother to think for herself but accepted, apparently with little personal reflection, her husband’s opinion on politics.  I understand that everyone is interested in politics. But how far should this go? Should she accept her husband’s opinion in all other matters as well?  A subservient woman who looks to her husband for guidance in all things falls under a currently much-talked-about theory known as headship theology, the idea that the man is superior to the woman and only his judgment can be trusted. This notion has crept into the thinking of many conservative Christians.  Headship theory Modern headship theory arose around the same time as the Women’s Liberation Movement, as w...
  Changing the World   Exactly ten years ago, in January 2011, The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, also known as UN Women, started its work for the empowerment of women. This new entity of the UN was intended to sharpen the focus and impact of the gender equality activities of the entire United Nations system. On September 14, 2010, it had been announced that former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet was appointed as head of UN Women. Various countries supported the creation of the body. During General Debate at the opening of the 65th General Assembly of the United Nations, world leaders commended the creation of the body and its intention to "empower women", as well as welcoming Bachelet's position as the first Executive Director and inaugural head. Michelle Bachelet was former President of Chile. The current Executive Director is Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, who served as Deputy President of South Africa from 2005 to 2008. She w...