Treat yourself well


During this pandemic, which has left its mark on us all, we have come to realize that we need to change our behavior and habits. For families who had to work at home during the first Corona wave while day care and schools were closed and  who at the same time had to home-school their children and keep them occupied, the so-called lockdown was a stressful time. Now, as the infection rates are again on the rise, the government is at least trying not to close entire schools and facilities, but to send only individual classes into quarantine when necessary. However, we do not know how things will continue. In the meantime we are experienced what is called Lockdown light. Beginning on December 1st new regulations have once again been imposed. Private meetings are only permitted between two households with a maximum um 5 persons. Children are told to choose one friend with whom they will be in contact. One of my granddaughters said, „It’s so unfair! I have two best friends. They can’t expect me to choose with which one I want to stay in touch and play!“ Most people seem to understand and accept the stipulated measures. As long as they keep us and our loved ones safe, we will can cope with the situation. But it’s really not all that simple.

For the elderly among us, the Corona period has meant more loneliness. We don't want to be infected and so we stay at home as far as possible in order to reduce the risk getting sick. Young people who have grown up with social media are well versed with the possibilitites of the internet.. But what about older people who either have no access or are only superficial users? All that remains is the old-fashioned telephone. Maybe it would be time to write letters and cards again? For the lonely the day can be very long. For people in nursing homes, it all becomes very confusing when the usual visits are not permitted.

For me this time of a slower life has been healing. Many meetings have been cancelled, and so I have been able to rest. I have learned that I have to give up responsibility. The earth will continue to rotate even without my contribution. We often take care of everything else exept ourselves. We would never treat our friends the way we treat ourselves.

The Bible tells us "Love thy neighbor as thyself." For me, this means that I should be good to my neighbor, but also to myself. This is actually a very natural instinct that is meant to sustain life. As Christians, however, we have always had problems with the second part. We often slave away for others until we are exhausted and at the end of our tether.

We do not have to let it go so far. We are allowed to pull on the handbrake before it comes to that and say no. "No, I won't do that now!" And I know myself how hard it is for me to say these words. We can also simplify our lives. Maybe this time when we are called upon to stay at home and cut back on things is exactly what we need to get time for rest and recharge our batteries. The Bible promises better times: "He (God) will make you laugh again and give you reason to rejoice" (Job 8:21, HfA). I am looking forward to that.


Photo: Nadia Ottschofski


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