16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence I am a privileged woman. I have never been a victim of violence or abuse. I have lived a sheltered life and I am grateful for the protection I have received. Not all women are as fortunate as I am. A third of all women will have experienced some kind of violence during their lifetime. Many are suffering from violence now. Domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, workplace harassment, digital harassment, hate speech, psychological abuse, stalking, mobbing, child marriage, female genital mutilation, honour killings (what an oxymoron!) and femicides. This is a long list but I am sure I missed something that should be mentioned. We can’t just close our eyes and pretend this doesn’t exist. I can’t ignore this, even though I have no direct experience. As long as women are being subjected to gender-based violence we have to take action. November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence aga...